Snordi katsetus
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NOTE: Starting with Snort 2.4.0 (released on 2005-04-22)
the rules are no longer included with the distribution. Please download them from You might consider installing security/oinkmaster port to simplify rules downloads and updates.
seega oinkmasteri paigaldus mis asub nagu snorgi FreeBSD's security harus
Reeglite saamiseks tuleb end snordi lehel registreerida
logida lehele, ja uurida lehte My Oinkcodes ning nõuda generate code
ja lisada oinkmaster.conf'i rida
url =<oinkcode here>/<fail>
ja seejärel oinkmaster startida
oinkmaster -o /usr/local/etc/snort/rules/
seadistada snordi rulepath õigeks
ja startida snort
logid tekivad /var/log/snort/ kaustas olevasse faili /var/log/snort/alert näiteks kujul
[**] [1:469:4] ICMP PING NMAP [**] [Classification: Attempted Information Leak] [Priority: 2] 11/10-17:49:57.595915 -> ICMP TTL:51 TOS:0x0 ID:0 IpLen:20 DgmLen:28 DF Type:8 Code:0 ID:883 Seq:6144 ECHO [Xref =>]
ips fuktsionaalsus Free ja Openbsd jaoks
pf enablemine
ext_if="bge1" set optimization aggressive set limit states 40000
scrub in all scrub out all random-id max-mss 1440 antispoof for $ext_if inet anchor snort2pf block log all label "blocked" pass quick on lo0 all pass in inet proto icmp all keep state pass out inet proto icmp all keep state pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $ext_if port 80 keep state label "www" pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $ext_if port 22 keep state label "ssh" pass out on $ext_if proto { tcp, udp } all keep state
snort2pf installiks tõmmata alla
cd snort2pf-4.3 ./install >>> Installing files... install: snort2pf -> /usr/local/sbin/snort2pf install: snort2pfmon -> /usr/local/sbin/snort2pfmon install: snort2pf.8 -> /usr/local/man/man8/snort2pf.8 install: snort2pfmon.8 -> /usr/local/man/man8/snort2pfmon.8 >>> Creating symlinks... /sbin/snort2pf -> /usr/local/sbin/snort2pf /sbin/snort2pfmon -> /usr/local/sbin/snort2pfmon /man/man8/snort2pf.8 -> /usr/local/man/man8/snort2pf.8 /man/man8/snort2pfmon.8 -> /usr/local/man/man8/snort2pfmon.8 Don't forget to add the following line to you pf.conf(5): "anchor snort2pf"
snort2pf -f /var/log/snort/alert -s 180 &
Töötamise kontrolliks
# ps -aux | grep snort2pf root 708 0.0 0.3 18016 5344 0 S 6:45PM 0:00.04 snort2pf 4.3 :: blocking 0 hosts (perl5.8.9)
lisainfot man snort2pf