Dell PowerEdge R200 ja DRAC 4/P

Allikas: Kuutõrvaja


Dell PowerEdge R200 arvuti on suhteliselt madala otsa (low end) arvuti, millele saab lisada nt DRAC 4/P kaughaldusliidese kontrolleri.


SSH haldusliides kasutamine

$ ssh root@
root@'s password:

Dell Remote Access Controller 4/P (DRAC 4/P)
Firmware Version 1.75 (Build 06.03)
[root]# help
 help         -- displays the commands with a one-line description
 help <command>-- displays usage statement for specified command
 exit         -- logs the user out and then exits the session
 setled       -- set the state of the LEDs on a module <NOT SUPPORTED>
 getled       -- display the LED settings on a module <NOT SUPPORTED>
 getsysinfo   -- display general RAC and system information
 getmodinfo   -- get module config and status information
 getsensors       -- display RAC sensor readings and information <NOT SUPPORTED>
 getsensorinfo-- get sensor status for the specified sensors <NOT SUPPORTED>
 serveraction -- execute a graceful or hard server reset or power-on/off/cycle
 getraclog    -- display RAC Log entries
 getraclog -i -- display the total number of entries in the RAC Log
 gettracelog  -- display Trace Log entries
 gettracelog -i -- display numbers of entries in the Trace Log
 clrraclog    -- clear the RAC Log
 getsel       -- displays SEL entries
 getsel -i    -- displays the total number of entries in the system event log
 clrsel       -- clear the SEL
 connect      -- connect to com1 or com2 serial port text console
 racadm       -- execute a racadm subcommand
[root]# getsysinfo

RAC Information:
RAC Date/Time         = Fri, 15 Mar 2013 08:28:59
Firmware Version      = 1.75 (Build 06.03)
Firmware Updated      = 
Hardware Version      = A00
Current IP Address    =
Current IP Gateway    =
Current IP Netmask    =
DHCP enabled          = FALSE
MAC Address           = 00:26:e8:5a:7b:2a
Current DNS Server 1  =
Current DNS Server 2  =
DNS Servers from DHCP = FALSE
Register DNS RAC Name = FALSE
DNS RAC Name          = RAC-1H9424H
Current DNS Domain    = MYDOMAIN

System Information:
System ID    = 023Cg
System Model = PowerEdge R200
BIOS Version = 1.3.1
Service Tag  = 1H9424H
Hostname     = 
OS name      = 
BMC Version  = 1.79

Watchdog Information:
Recovery Action         = No Action  
Present countdown value = 15
Initial countdown value = 15

RAC Firmware Status Flags:
Global Reset Pending Flag = 0

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